Sunday, April 19, 2009


Hm........................................................................................Earthday is very important because it help's us to remember that we should not take the earth for granted.It also is important to reuse ,reduce and recycle(although i don't know why) and i don't know what activity to do with my family to help the earth but i sure hope i will,anyway go to this website to find two websites to help you know more about earth day:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Game For International Friend Day

This is the website:

International Friendship Day

Hi.................................Does everybody reading this post have a friend not in your country but in one of the ASEAN country?Because i have i a few in Malaysia like my cousin and his friends.I had dinner at their house many many times and i love the food that they cook.i don't know who created International Friendship Day but i sure like it!and if your interested watch out for my next post for a website about International Friendship Day AND I'm not kidding so goodbye and adios

By:Leong Jun Hao

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Muscular system

Hey everybody today i'm giong to talk about muscles but i got nothing to talk about so i'll let you guys go to a web to find out more about muscular system which you will see at the side:

By:Leong Jun Hao